Frequently Asked Questions: Badge Recipients

1. General Questions


1. What is EXeed?

EXeed is a secure, online open badges platform that allows badge recipients to store, publish and share their open badges, and that allows third parties to define, issue, manage and analyze their badges.

2. What is EXIN?

EXIN is the global independent certification institute for professionals in the ICT domain. With more than 30 years of experience in certifying the competences of more than 2 million ICT-professionals worldwide, EXIN is the leading and trusted authority in the ICT-market. With over 1.000 accredited partners EXIN facilitates exams in more than 165 countries and 20 languages.

3. What are Open Badges?

Open badges are validated, digital indicators of accomplishments, skills, qualities or interests that can be earned by meeting the criteria as defined by badge issuers. Open badges comply with the Open Badge Infrastructure (OBI) developed by Mozilla.

4. Are EXeed badges compatible with badges provided through Acclaim, Credly or any other badging platform? 

As long as other badging platforms also adhere to Mozilla’s Open Badge Standard all badges are fully compatible with badges issued through EXeed.

5. Is EXeed available in other languages than English?  

No, currently it is only available in English.

6. Do I have to pay a fee to access and maintain my EXeed badges?

No, for badge recipients there are no costs involved.

7. I read all the questions and answers from the FAQ. I still have some doubts or issues, how can I request further support?

Please e-mail your concern to

2. Account


1. What is my EXeed Portal?

Upon confirming your registration at EXeed, you will have access to your portal. In your portal you can access your profile under the tab ‘Profile’ and the settings of your account under the tab ‘Settings’. 

2. What can I do in ‘Profile’?

In your profile you find an overview of all badges that have been issued to you and also take actions on your badges, e.g. you can accept badges, publish badges and make them visible or invisible.

You can also toggle the visibility of your profile and view an example of how it will appear to third parties.

3. What can I do in ‘Settings’? 

In ‘Settings’ three options are offered to you. You can review and change your basic information, you can review and change your account settings and you can merge your accounts at EXeed should you hold multiple accounts.

4. What can I find in ‘Basic Information’?

On this page you can do the following:

  • Add/remove an image to your profile.
  • Add/remove/edit a summary of yourself which will be added to your profile.
  • Add/remove/edit links to your social media profiles on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and Wechat. These links will be visible on your EXeed public profile when you set the respective toggle to ‘Visible‘.

5. What can I find in ‘Account Settings’? 

In your account settings you find information on your registered e-mail addresses. Account settings also provides you the option to change your password.

6. How can I change my password?

You have two options to change your password. Either through Account Settings or by clicking on the ‘Reset Password’ link on the log in screen. The latter option will provide you an e-mail with a new password.

7. What can I find in ‘Merge Account’?

Open badges are issued to email addresses and recipient accounts are created on the basis of such email addresses. This may result in badge recipients owning multiple accounts at EXeed with badges spread over these accounts. Under ‘Merge Account’ it is possible to merge these accounts into one account, so all your badges are consildated into one account.

The account you are currently logged in with will be the primary account. Under ‘Merge Account’ you can provide the email address of the other account at EXeed which you wish to merge with the primary account. To ensure you indeed own the account being merged you are also requested to provide your password.

Please be aware, merging of accounts cannot be undone. All your badges will be consolidated into the account you are logged in with. The email address of the merged account will be added as additional email address to the primary account. There will no longer be a separate account associated with that email address.

3. Badge


1. What is the difference between accepted badges and not accepted badges?

Whenever a badge is issued to you, we request you to actively accept the badge. Any badges which you have not (yet) accepted can be found under the tab ‘Not (Yet) Accepted’. Badges which you have not accepted will never be visible to third parties. They will never appear on your public profile. It is also not possible for you to publish or share them on social media.

2. What information does my badge contain?

Badges provided to you through EXeed contain the following information:

  • The name of the issuing party. 
  • The name of individual to whom the badge is issued.
  • The date on which the badge is issued.
  • The date on which the badge expires.
  • What it takes to earn the particular badge.
  • The standards to which the achievement aligns. This information is visible to all third parties you have shared the badge with.

3. What are baked images?

Baked images are image files of your badge which you can share electronically, for example by including them in electronic documents. These images contain all data associated with the badge and can be used to validate the badge on validator websites. An example of such a website is Badgecheck. Although EXeed offers the possibility to export your badges to the Backpack, it is also possible to import a baked image directly from the Backpack. This also automatically validates your badge.

4. Can I add Open Badges issued by other badging platforms?

No, currently this feature is not available. EXeed does offer the possibility of exporting your EXeed badge to Mozilla’s Backpack. This backpack allows you to consolidate your open badges earned on different platforms.

4. Privacy


1. Will third parties have access to my personal details?

You have full control over your personal data. Only the data which you explicitly share with third parties, either directly by sharing a link or indirectly by publishing to social media (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter or Wechat) will be visible.

2. How do I control visibility of my public profile?

On your profile page you find a toggle to make your public profile visible or invisible. When the toggle mentions ‘Make invisible’ it is visible to third parties if the link is shared. If the toggle is set to ‘Make visible’ it is invisible to third parties if the link is shared.

3. How do I control visibility of my individual badges?

Badges which you have accepted on EXeed have a menu on the top right. This menu provides the option to make your badges visible or invisible to third parties. Any badge which has been set to ‘invisible’ will not be visible on your public profile. Also, if you have previously published the badge to social media (such as Linkedin, Facebook or Twitter) the link on said social media will forward the third party to an error page. They will thus not be able to verify that you were actually issued the badge.

4. How does EXeed communicate with me?

EXeed communicates with you solely trough the email address which you have defined as your primary email address. You may expect emails for the following events:

  • Initial invitation to join EXeed.
  • When a new badge is issued to you.
  • As confirmation of badge acceptance.
  • After a reset password request.
  • After an issuing party has revoked your badge.

5. Sharing Badges


1. What is the Backpack?

As explained on Open Badges, open badges communicate skills and achievements by providing a visual representation of your accomplishments packed with verifiable data and evidence. Mozilla’s Backpack lets you store the open badges you earn, and share them between platforms, anywhere on the web.

2. How do I export my badges from EXeed to the Backpack?

Badges which you have accepted on EXeed have a menu on the top right. This menu provides the option to export your badge to the Backpack. To do so you require an account with Mozilla Backpack. You can create a free account.

3. How can I share my badges on LinkedIn?

Badges which you have accepted on EXeed have a menu on the top right. This menu provides the option to share your badge on LinkedIn. LinkedIn has the possibility to add a badge to your profile under ‘Certifications’ and/or to share your badge on your newsfeed. LinkedIn does not offer the possibility to automatically fill the required fields for you. Unfortunately you will have to copy & paste these manually. Alternatively you can also share your badge to LinkedIn directly from the badge details page. The same procedure applies.

4. How can I share my badges on Twitter?

Badges which you have accepted on EXeed have a menu on the top right. This menu provides the option to share your badge on Twitter. Alternatively you can share your badge to Twitter directly from your badge details page.

5. How can I share my badges on Facebook?

Badges which you have accepted on EXeed have a menu on the top right. This menu provides the option to share your badge on Facebook. Alternatively you can share your badge to Facebook directly from your badge details page.

6. How do I enable 2-factor authentication?

Go to your ‘Basic Information’ section and tick the 2-factor authentication option. A QR code will appear on your screen. Use the Google Authenticator app to read the code. Type in to EXeed. the secret key that appears on your app screen.
If you want to reset it, then go to your ‘User Settings’ and press reset 2-factor authentication.